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Lord of the Flies essays

1In William Golding`s Lord of the Flies, Golding symbolically represents the evil in man.He believes there are defects to human nature no matter what age the person is.Golding illustrates this on a literal, symbolic, and applied level. The story takes a look at what would happen if a group of British school boys were to become stranded on an island. Atfirst the boys have good intentions, keep a fire going so that a passing ship can see the smoke and rescue them, but because of the evil that takes over the island the children are distracted by more exciting things. The killing of a pig, little by little begins to take over the boys life, and they begin to go about this in a way of a ritual, dancing around the dead animal and chanting. The younger children of the groups are affected by the fear of a imaginary "beast" and they are forced to do something about it. During one of the hunters' celebrations around the kill of an animal Simon stumbles in to try and break up the idea of the monster. Caught of in the rabid frenzy of the dance, Simon suddenly becomes the monster and is viciously slaughtered by the other members of the group. The climax of the novel is when the firewatchers confront the hunters. The hunters had stole Piggy's glasses so that they could make a for them selves fire. Roger roles a boulder off of a cliff, crushing Piggy, and causing the death of another rational person. The story ends with the hunters hunting Ralph. After lighting half of the island on fire in an attempt to smoke Ralph from his hiding place, they chase him on to the beach and find a ships captain and crew waiting there to rescue them, because they saw the smoke. The novel is packed full of symbolism and you can clearly see it throughout the novel. As the story progresses characters names slowly begin to change. A pair of twin boys, Sam and Eric, became know as Sa ...

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