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  • vinegrette02

Fears essay

What is your biggest fear?I used to question what my biggest fear was and why I was really afraid of it.Before this one experience thatI encountered I believed my biggest fear was spiders, don`t get me wrong I am still scared of them but there is one thing that scares me more.

About three years ago during the summer, my friends and I decided to go to the mall and out to eat in Houston.For some reason our parents were throwing a fit not for us to go because the weather was going to be bad but we decided to go anyways because we were hard headed.

On the way up there we could see the dark clouds that were surrounding the area, but we were just set to go shopping and nothing was more important or could stop us.My friends mom had told us before we left about how she had a bad feeling about us going for some reason.We just thought she was paranoid and that she was just trying anything to talk us in to not going.

When we got to the mall we shopped for about 2 and ?hours and finally decided that we were ready to go because if we didn`t leave soon our parents would be going crazy looking and worrying about us so we started walking towards the door we came in.The lights in the mall kept on flickering, I was scared that the power was going to go out and that I was going to be ran over by all the scared people in the mall.When we got to the door where we came in, we could see how hard it was raining outside and that our parents were right and that we would have to listen to them tell us I told you so.

Instead of waiting for the storm to pass we decided that we would be fine and that we could make it home ok, So we made a run for it through the rain. By the time we got to the carwe were all completely drenched, we looked like we had just gone swimming.

Atfirst we were going to just wait it out in the parking lot because we could barely see anything in front of us but we decided to go hom...

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